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A Bachelor of Science 在护理 (BSN) is an increasingly popular option for Registered Nurses (RNs) who want to get ahead in the nursing profession.

2021年4月, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing released findings from the 2020 National Nursing Workforce Survey. 这些结果表明 65.接受调查的注册护士中有2%是在学士学位或更高水平上准备的. The survey also found that the baccalaureate degree was the most common credential pursued by nurses seeking licensure to enter the nursing profession.

Many RNs who pursued a diploma or associate degree to enter the field are now seeing the value of earning their bachelor’s degree. 他们是否想在这个领域保持竞争力, 为新的机会敞开大门,或者提高对薪水的期望, BSN提供了大量的晋升机会.

然而, it can be intimidating to consider earning a degree while continuing to balance a full-time career as a nurse and personal responsibilities. 本指南有助于揭开从RN到BSN的神秘面纱, helping you better understand these programs and what to expect as an RN to BSN student.

获得一个免费的指导来帮助你提升你的职业生涯, 提供护理专家的有益建议和深思熟虑的见解.



获得BSN学位需要完成120个学分. 然而, a transfer-friendly RN to BSN degree-completion program is designed specifically for registered nurses with an associate degree (ADN) or nursing diploma. 这些课程最多可以接受90个学分, 这意味着持牌注册护士可以在短短12个月内完成他们的BSN学位.

RN to BSN curriculum is designed to build on your existing education and experience as a nursing professional. You’ll gain the in-demand skills healthcare organizations are looking for in key competencies of nursing by taking the following common courses.

  • 护理领导与管理: 探索战略规划中的概念, 质量改进, 患者安全, change theory and communication to build vital leadership skills that will help nurses effectively navigate healthcare organizations.
  • 健康评估及促进: Broaden and enhance current knowledge and skills in health promotion—such as disease, 伤害和疾病的预防和评估, 它关注的是一种全面的方法来识别病人的问题.
  • 护理研究与循证实践: 在研究过程中获得技能, 包括方法论, 研究结果的设计和解释. Learn to translate research into new processes and care practices that promote high quality and safe patient care.
  • 社区卫生护理: Develop a strong foundation of health promotion and disease prevention tactics at both the individual and population level in order to improve health outcomes for individuals, 家庭, 群体和整个群体.
  • 健康信息: Learn about the design and challenges of healthcare informatics infrastructure, as well as current issues in healthcare data management including HIPAA legislation and electronic health records.
  • 医疗保健法律和道德: 建立坚实的卫生法基础, which enables nurses to address common legal and moral issues facing nurse interaction with patients on a daily basis.


Today’s top employers are seeking to hire, promote and retain nurses who earn their BSN. According to Lightcast™, the BSN is the top-sought degree in job postings for RNs. 这些数据显示了BSN如何迅速成为护理的标准.

An RN to BSN degree program provides the skills and credentials to enhance a nurse’s patient care abilities and make them more marketable within the nursing field. By completing an RN到BSN程序, nurses will gain distinct career advantages. bsn合格的护士准备:

  • 提供优质的循证护理 通过将研究转化为实际护理实践
  • 成为领导者 within their current organization and take on new management-level responsibilities 
  • 直接运用所学的经验和新技能 推动质量改进流程,提高患者安全
  • 增加新技术的采用 在病人护理环境中
  • 进行有效的沟通 that allows collaboration and efficiency across departments and seniority levels
  • 为所有人群提供更好的护理 年龄,种族,文化和社区

The value is clear—but how manageable is completing a degree while working as a full-time nurse?


An RN到BSN程序 includes rigorous coursework that takes nursing skills to the next level. 然而, the level of difficulty of an RN到BSN程序 often lies in how the program is designed. 

有一些常见的杠杆会使获得BSN变得更加困难. Here’s what to look out for when determining whether an RN到BSN程序 will truly support you in accomplishing your goals. 


  • Rigid, inflexible schedules, or ones that require significant in-person commitments
  • 高昂的成本, lack of financial resources or hidden fees (such as clinical fees or textbook costs)
  • 困难或限制性的转移信贷政策
  • 缺乏项目认证来自 大学护理教育委员会(CCNE) or 护理教育认可委员会(ACEN)
  • 缺乏实际经验丰富的教师 

而不是, 专注于寻找高质量的工作, accredited online RN到BSN程序 that will help you achieve your goals on your terms.


mg不朽情缘游戏网址提供领先的 RN到BSN程序 专为忙碌的护士而建. mg不朽情缘试玩的项目脱颖而出,因为它提供:

  • 100%在线课程,没有面对面的要求
  • 负担得起的学费,自动提供3000美元的奖学金,没有隐藏的费用
  • 慷慨的转移信贷, 平均, 学生可以转换BSN所需的近三分之二的学分
  • 大学护理教育委员会

作为mg不朽情缘游戏网址注册护士到BSN项目的一名学生, 你也可以期待从行业领先的课程中受益, which is developed and taught by professionals with extensive nursing experience. 创新课程包括:

  • 护理和保健遗传学, which focuses on human variation in health and diseases and will prepare you to better care for more diverse populations.
  • 卫生政策, which will broaden your perspective on the role politics and policymaking play in the field and prepare you for leadership roles in which you must navigate these policies to reach organizational goals.
  • 健康信息治理, which will provide insight into how healthcare data can be used as a vital asset to improve patient care and a strategic asset for improving an organization.

这只是你可以在mg不朽情缘试玩学到的一小部分. 了解更多有关 mg不朽情缘试玩注册护士到BSN计划课程 以及它如何对你的职业生涯有益.

Find out how to take your nursing career further with advice from real nursing professionals.